Dr. Aviva Bass-Huh, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Aviva Bass-Huh, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
I am available to work with Masters or Doctoral level therapists who are interested in learning or improving parent coaching skills. During consultation sessions, I teach therapists how to implement behavioral parent training with their own clients. There are specific evidence based parenting skills that address ADHD symptoms, oppositional defiant behaviors, and anxious behaviors. We discuss which skills are most suitable to the client population you see.
I suggests materials for therapists to read prior to each consultation session in order to get the most out of our time together. During the meetings, we discuss nuances of the skills, helpful language to use in explaining the skills to clients, and I role model what it looks like to teach clients each skill. At the end of consultation meetings, therapists can expect to have a document for each parenting skill that includes related client handouts as a resource for them to use in their own practices.
In teaching these skills, I utilize my background in behavioral principles, my experience facilitating behavioral parent training groups (The Community Parent Education program), my experiences supervising other clinicians, and the many lessons I have learned over the last 20 years from clients with whom I have worked on these skills. This enables me to quickly isolate and highlight useful pieces of information when reviewing evidence based parenting programs to save time for my consulting clients.